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Government Contracting Blog

(See also the articles page of this site)

Are You Entitled to an Equitable Adjustment?

It is not possible to delineate all situations where a contractor is entitled to an equitable adjustment in price and/or time to perform...

Beware of Government "Best Efforts" on Options

A previous blog, “The Government Controls the Options,” makes clear that contractors cannot demand that the Government exercise an option...

The Government Controls the Options

Virtually all government contract options (for more quantities of goods, or for an extension of services), are generally priced...

A Tale of Two Appeals

This blog discusses two contractors who sought to appeal a contracting officer’s final decision on their claims, which final decisions...

Claim May Use Estimates to Arrive at "Sum Certain"

This blog recently discussed a Federal Circuit decision which held that a contractor’s claim does not accrue until the exact amount (“sum...

Reconsidering Trash Pickup By the Ton or By the Run

In a recent blog post, “Pricing Commercial Trash Pickup: By The Ton Or By The Run?”, this blog discussed a protest where the Army sought...

Once Again, Recurring Agency Mistakes in Discussions

A recent blog identified “Six Recurring Agency Mistakes in Discussions.” One of the frequently repeated mistakes (conducting unequal...

The FAR Unbalancing Act

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has considered numerous protests alleging that an offeror’s bid was “unbalanced.” Only a...

Use It or Lose It - A Primer

The Acting Secretary of the Army recently issued Army Directive 2016-16, “Changing Management Behavior: Every Dollar Counts,” April 15,...

Consequences of Government Delay or Indecision

A recent Armed Services Board decision demonstrates how important it is for the Government to respond to contractor-raised issues in a...

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