GAO Bid Protest Activity in Fiscal Year 2023- Increases in Protests and Sustains
The Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) released its annual bid protest report to the Congress for fiscal year 2023 on October 26,...
The Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) released its annual bid protest report to the Congress for fiscal year 2023 on October 26,...
This blog has frequently stressed the importance of responding to any solicitation by the due date/time, fully, and in complete accord...
There aren’t many cases involving the Federal Employee Health Benefit (“FEHB”) program which provides medical insurance to federal...
Strativia, LLC protested award of a task order to Field Data Technology (“FDT”) under a Department of Agriculture solicitation for...
Don’t ever ignore words in a solicitation. A contractor ignored specific email addresses for proposal delivery and failed to submit its...
The General Services Administration (“GSA”) provides workplaces for federal workers by leasing and managing commercial real estate. GSA...
A government waiver of a delivery date is an important potential defense against a termination for default. This is especially the...
When the government defaults a contract and seeks excess costs of reprocurement, this is a government claim against the contractor, and...
A recent decision confirms that in a source selection, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) saw nothing unreasonable in giving...
In a recent decision, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) reiterated the ground rules for the filing of an informal agency level...
In a recent protest, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) held that although performance risk was not specifically listed as an...
What happens if you submit a claim to a contracting officer (“CO”) but instead of including a “sum certain” as required by the Contract...
Reversing many years of precedent, on August 22, 2023, the Federal Circuit held the “sum certain” requirement for monetary claims is...
In another non-exercise of options by the government case, the Civilian Board held that there was no bad faith and no violation of the...
The Federal Circuit has clarified the government’s burden when it terminates a contract for default. In a decision vacating and...
In a recent “by-the-book” termination for convenience, the Armed Services Board concluded that even though there was a valid termination...
The Court of Federal Claims recently ruled that a breach of contract (i.e. a breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, or...
Does a non-profit organization qualify as a “federal agency” for purposes of Government Accountabiliity Office (“GAO”) protest...
The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals recently addressed a claim caused by a suspension of work in a construction contract where a...
In the Federal Acquisition Regulation a “claim” is defined as a “written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties...